Source code for embfile._embfile

from pathlib import Path
from timeit import default_timer as timer
from typing import Callable, Dict, Iterable, List, NamedTuple, Optional, Sequence, Set, Type, Union

import numpy

from embfile._utils import coalesce, maybe_progbar, noop, require
from embfile.compression import EXTENSION_TO_COMPRESSION
from embfile.core import EmbFile
from embfile.formats import BinaryEmbFile, TextEmbFile, VVMEmbFile
from embfile.initializers import Initializer, NormalInitializer
from embfile.registry import FormatsRegistry
from embfile.types import DType, PathType, VectorType

#: Store the mapping between each EmbFile concrete class and both its format_id and
#: its associated extensions.
FORMATS = FormatsRegistry()

FORMATS.register_format(BinaryEmbFile, format_id='bin', extensions=['.bin'])
FORMATS.register_format(TextEmbFile, format_id='txt', extensions=['.txt', '.vec'])
FORMATS.register_format(VVMEmbFile, format_id='vvm', extensions=['.vvm'])

[docs]def register_format(format_id: str, extensions: Iterable[str], overwrite: bool = False): """ Class decorator that associates a new ``EmbFile`` sub-class with a format_id and one or multiple extensions. Once you register a format, you can use :func:`` to open files of that format. """ def decorator(embfile_class: Type['EmbFile']): FORMATS.register_format(embfile_class, format_id, extensions, overwrite) return embfile_class return decorator
[docs]def associate_extension(ext: str, format_id: str, overwrite: bool = False): """ Associates a file extension to a registered embedding file format. """ FORMATS.associate_extension(ext, format_id, overwrite)
def _infer_format_from_path(path: PathType) -> Type[EmbFile]: # Ignore the file extension due to compression (.txt.gz --> txt) path = Path(path) suffixes = path.suffixes if not suffixes: format_extension = None elif suffixes[-1] in EXTENSION_TO_COMPRESSION: format_extension = suffixes[-2] if len(suffixes) > 1 else None else: format_extension = suffixes[-1] if not format_extension: raise ValueError( 'unable to infer the file type because the file has no extension: ' + return _extension_to_class(format_extension) def _extension_to_class(format_extension: str) -> Type[EmbFile]: try: return FORMATS.extension_to_class(format_extension) except KeyError: raise ValueError( 'unknown file extension "{ext}";\n' 'supported extensions/formats are: {extensions}.\n' 'If your file is supported but has just an unknown extension, you can alternatively:\n' '- pass the argument format_id \n' '- or associate the extension to one of the formats with embfile.associate_extension()' .format(ext=format_extension, extensions=', '.join(FORMATS.extensions())))
[docs]def open(path: PathType, format_id: Optional[str] = None, **format_kwargs) -> EmbFile: """ Opens an embedding file inferring the file format from the file extension (if not explicitly provided in ``format_id``). Note that you can always open a file using the specific ``EmbFile`` subclass; it can be more convenient since you get auto-completion and quick doc for format-specific arguments. Example:: with'path/to/embfile.txt') as f: # do something with f Supported formats: +---------------------------------+-----------+------------+-----------------------------------+ | Class | format_id | Extensions | Description | +=================================+===========+============+===================================+ | :class:`~embfile.TextEmbFile` | txt | .txt, .vec | Glove/fastText format | +---------------------------------+-----------+------------+-----------------------------------+ | :class:`~embfile.BinaryEmbFile` | bin | .bin | Google word2vec format | +---------------------------------+-----------+------------+-----------------------------------+ | :class:`~embfile.VVMEmbFile` | vvm | .vvm | A tarball containing three files: | | | | | vocab.txt, vectors.bin, meta.json | +---------------------------------+-----------+------------+-----------------------------------+ You can **register new formats or extensions** using the functions :func:`embfile.register_format` and :func:`embfile.associate_extension`. Args: path: path to the file format_id: string ID of the embedding file format. If not provided, it is inferred from the file name. Valid choices are: 'txt', 'bin', 'vvm'. format_kwargs: additional format-specific arguments (see doc for specific file formats) Returns: An instance of a concrete subclass of :class:`~embfile.core.EmbFile` . See also: :func:`embfile.register_format`: registers your custom EmbFile implementation so it is recognized by this function :func:`embfile.associate_extension`: associates an extension to a registered format """ if format_id is None: format_class = _infer_format_from_path(path) else: try: format_class = FORMATS.id_to_class[format_id] except KeyError: raise ValueError('Unknown format: "{}".\nKnown formats are: {}' .format(format_id, list(FORMATS.format_ids()))) return format_class(path, **format_kwargs)
[docs]class BuildMatrixOutput(NamedTuple): """ NamedTuple returned by :meth:`build_matrix` """ matrix: numpy.ndarray word2index: Dict[str, int] missing_words: Set[str]
[docs] def found_words(self): return set(self.word2index) - self.missing_words
[docs] def word_indexes(self, words) -> List[int]: return [self.word2index[w] for w in words]
[docs] def vector(self, word): return self.matrix[self.word2index[word]]
[docs] def pretty(self, precision=3, threshold=5): """ Pretty string method for documentation purposes. """ rows = [numpy.array2string(row, precision=precision, threshold=threshold, sign=' ', floatmode='fixed') for row in self.matrix] index_width = len(str(len(rows) - 1)) annotations = [' # {:>{w}}: '.format(i, w=index_width) for i in range(len(rows))] for word, index in self.word2index.items(): annotations[index] += word if word in self.missing_words: annotations[index] += ' [out of file vocabulary]' return '\n'.join(row + annotation for row, annotation in zip(rows, annotations))
[docs]def build_matrix(f: EmbFile, words: Union[Iterable[str], Dict[str, int]], start_index: int = 0, dtype: Optional[DType] = None, oov_initializer: Optional[Callable[[Sequence[int]], VectorType]] = NormalInitializer(), verbose: Optional[bool] = None) -> BuildMatrixOutput: # noqa: F821 """ Creates an embedding matrix for the provided words. ``words`` can be: 1. an **iterable of strings** -- in this case, the words in the iterable are mapped to consecutive rows of the matrix starting from the row of index ``start_index`` (by default, ``0``); the rows with index ``i < start_index`` are left to zeros. 2. a **dictionary** ``{word -> index}`` that maps each word to a row -- in this case, the matrix has shape:: [max_index + 1, vector_size] where ``max_index = max(word_to_index.values())``. The rows that are not associated with any word are left to zeros. If multiple words are mapped to the same row, the function raises ``ValueError``. In both cases, all the word vectors that are not found in the file are initialized using ``oov_initializer``, which can be: 1. ``None`` -- leave missing vectors to zeros 2. a function that takes the shape of the array to generate (a tuple) as first argument:: oov_initializer=lambda shape: numpy.random.normal(scale=0.01, size=shape) oov_initializer=numpy.ones # don't use this for word vectors :| 3. an instance of :class:`~embfile.initializers.Initializer`, which is a "fittable" initializer; in this case, the initializer is fit on the found vectors (the vectors that are both in ``vocab`` and in the file). By default, `oov_initializer` is an instance of :class:`~embfile.initializers.NormalInitializer` which generates vectors using a normal distribution with the same mean and standard deviation of the vectors found. Args: f: the file containing the word vectors words (Iterable[str] or Dict[str, int]): iterable of words or dictionary that maps each word to a row index start_index (int): ignored if ``vocab`` is a dict; if ``vocab`` is a collection, determines the index associated to the first word (and so, the number of rows left to zeros at the beginning of the matrix) dtype (optional, DType): matrix data type; if ``None``, ``cls.out_dtype`` is used oov_initializer (optional, Callable or :class:`~embfile.initializers.Initializer`): initializer for out-of-(file)-vocabulary word vectors. See the class docstring for more information. verbose (bool): if None, f.verbose is used """ start_time = timer() dtype = numpy.dtype(dtype) if dtype is not None else f.out_dtype require(words, 'empty vocab argument') require(start_index >= 0, 'negative start_index') echo = print if coalesce(verbose, f.verbose) else noop if isinstance(words, dict): word2index = words num_rows = 1 + max(word2index.values()) if len(set(word2index.values())) < len(word2index): raise ValueError('multiple words are mapped to the same row') elif isinstance(words, Iterable): word2index = {word: index for index, word in enumerate(words, start_index)} num_rows = start_index + len(word2index) else: raise TypeError('vocab must be of type Iterable[str] or a Dict[str, int]; ' 'it is: %r' % words) matrix = numpy.zeros((num_rows, f.vector_size), dtype=dtype) found_word_indexes = [] with f.loader(word2index, verbose=verbose) as loader: for word, vector in loader: idx = word2index[word] matrix[idx] = vector found_word_indexes.append(idx) missing_words = loader.missing_words # Initialize vectors of out-of-file-vocabulary words if missing_words and oov_initializer: if isinstance(oov_initializer, Initializer) and found_word_indexes: echo('Fitting the vector initializer') found_vectors = matrix[found_word_indexes] # @MAYBE: replace this loop with oov_initializer((len(missing_words), vector_size) missing_indexes = [word2index[word] for word in missing_words] vector_shape = (f.vector_size,) desc = 'Initializing missing word vectors' for idx in maybe_progbar(missing_indexes, verbose, desc=desc): matrix[idx] = oov_initializer(vector_shape) elapsed_time = timer() - start_time echo('Total elapsed time for creating the matrix: %.1f seconds' % elapsed_time) return BuildMatrixOutput(matrix, word2index, missing_words)