Source code for embfile.initializers

Embedding initializers.
__all__ = ['Initializer', 'NormalInitializer', 'normal']

import abc
from typing import Sequence

import numpy
from overrides import overrides

from embfile.errors import IllegalOperation
from embfile.types import VectorType

[docs]class Initializer(abc.ABC): """ A random number generator meant to be used with :meth:`~embfile.build_matrix`. It can be fit to a sequence of other vectors in order to compute stats to be used for generation. When passed to ``build_matrix``, the initializer is fit to the found vectors. .. automethod:: __call__ """
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def fit(self, vectors: numpy.ndarray): """ *(Abstract method)* Computes stats that will be use for generating new vectors. Args: vectors: """
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def __call__(self, shape) -> VectorType: """ *(Abstract method)* Generate an array of shape ``shape`` """
[docs]class NormalInitializer(Initializer): """ Generates vectors using a normal distribution with the same mean and standard deviation of the set of vectors passed to the fit method. When used with :meth:`~embfile.build_matrix`, it initializes out-of-file-vocabulary vectors so that they have the same mean and deviation of the vectors found in the file. If not fit before to generate vectors, it raises IllegalOperation """ def __init__(self): self.loc = None self.scale = None
[docs] @overrides def fit(self, vectors: numpy.ndarray): """ Computes mean and standard deviation of the input vectors """ if len(vectors) == 0: raise ValueError('empty array') self.loc = numpy.mean(vectors, axis=0) self.scale = numpy.std(vectors, axis=0)
@overrides def __call__(self, shape: Sequence[int]): if self.loc is None or self.scale is None: raise IllegalOperation('you must fit this initializer before you can use it') return numpy.random.normal(loc=self.loc, scale=self.scale, size=shape)
[docs]def normal(mean=0.0, deviation=None): """ Returns a normal sampler. If deviation is not given, it is set dynamically to 1.0 / sqrt(shape[-1]) where shape[-1] is the vector size. """ def generate(shape): scale = 1.0 / shape[-1] if deviation is None else deviation return numpy.random.normal(loc=mean, scale=scale, size=shape) return generate