
Embedding initializers.



A random number generator meant to be used with build_matrix().


Generates vectors using a normal distribution with the same mean and standard deviation of the set of vectors passed to the fit method.


normal([mean, deviation])

Returns a normal sampler.


class embfile.initializers.Initializer[source]

Bases: abc.ABC

A random number generator meant to be used with build_matrix(). It can be fit to a sequence of other vectors in order to compute stats to be used for generation. When passed to build_matrix, the initializer is fit to the found vectors.

abstractmethod __call__(shape)[source]

(Abstract method) Generate an array of shape shape

Return type


abstractmethod fit(vectors)[source]

(Abstract method) Computes stats that will be use for generating new vectors.


vectors (ndarray) –

class embfile.initializers.NormalInitializer[source]

Bases: embfile.initializers.Initializer

Generates vectors using a normal distribution with the same mean and standard deviation of the set of vectors passed to the fit method. When used with build_matrix(), it initializes out-of-file-vocabulary vectors so that they have the same mean and deviation of the vectors found in the file.

If not fit before to generate vectors, it raises IllegalOperation


Computes mean and standard deviation of the input vectors

embfile.initializers.normal(mean=0.0, deviation=None)[source]

Returns a normal sampler. If deviation is not given, it is set dynamically to

1.0 / sqrt(shape[-1])

where shape[-1] is the vector size.